Archives for anthology

Featured Book of the Week

My short story “The Wet Knot” appears in the anthology Strangely Marvelous Creatures, edited by Robert Pope. Click here to purchase.

Featured Book of the Week

My short story “Wondrous and Monstrous Ways” appears in the anthology Ghosts, Spirits and Specters, Vol. 2 from HellBound Books Publishing. Read an excerpt here. Click here to purchase.

Twin Anthologies

I’m excited to be a part of these twin anthologies, each edited by Robert Pope!

Strangely Marvelous Stories:…/dp/1446640043/ref=sr_1_1…

Strangely Marvelous Creatures:…/dp/1304018466

Open Book


HellBound Books selects “Remnants”

“Remnants of Worship,” my tale of a film critic on an obsessive hunt for the scariest horror film ever made, appears in BLOODY GOOD HORROR. The HellBound Books Publishing anthology is edited by Theresa Scott-Matthews. Read an excerpt here. Click here to purchase.

Two tales of terror are on the way

Two new stories in the pipeline:

“Wondrous and Monstrous Ways,” a tale of grief and revenge involving a woman on the edge of the abyss, arrives in late April. The story appears in Ghost, Spirits and Specters, Vol. 2 from HellBound Books Publishing. The anthology is edited by Xtina Marie.

“Remnants of Worship” follows a film critic on the hunt to screen the most terrifying movie ever created. The story will appear in The Blood Tomes, Vol. 3: Nabu Carnevale, a festival-themed anthology from Tell-Tale Press. Slated for a June publication, the book is edited by Andrea Dawn.

And be warned: a chilling new novel is in the works.


Coming Soon: “The Wet Knot”

My Southern Gothic short story “The Wet Knot” will appear in the upcoming literary anthology Dark Lane, Vol. 8, from Dark Lane Books. More information coming soon.

Dark Lane Anthology, Vol. 8

Dead Again

New cover, same terror!

Comet Press has released a new cover for its Year’s Best Hardcore Horror Vol. 2 anthology, which includes my short story “The Field.” The collection is edited by Randy Chandler and Cheryl Mullenax. Click here to purchase.

Down with the Fallen debuts Nov. 7

My story “Grandfather’s Room” appears in the post-apocalyptic horror anthology, Down with the Fallen, edited by Jordon Greene and available Nov. 7 from Franklin/Kerr Press. Click here to order. To read an excerpt, click here.

DOWN with Grandfather

Excited that my story “Grandfather’s Room” was selected for the upcoming post-apocalyptic horror anthology, Down with the Fallen, from Franklin/Kerr Press.

‘The Field’ among Year’s Best

My short story “The Field” has been selected for the upcoming anthology Year’s Best Hardcore Horror, Vol. 2. I am excited to be among some of the genre’s best! More information to come.