
A better way to look at things

I appreciate all the kind words, gifts and food (oh, my love handles!) on this special day.

BloghouseI lost my best friend in earlier in 2013, which was an emotional gut-punch that still has me shaken. Since I’ve known him for more than 26 years, to build another best-friend relationship in that amount of time would carry me into my early 70s, which is to say, unlikely. That’s sad to think about.

A better way to look at things: His memory endures in the soft corners of my soul; his legacy is a tribute to himself and a tangible gift to those—wife, son, father, sister, friends—who stand in his absence.

That knowledge, and your well wishes, cut through the pain and makes this day joyous for me.

Also, thanks to the staff of the Hudson Library & Historical Society for hosting a wonderful book fair, as well as The Learned Owl Book Shop for its continued support of local authors.

Happy birthday to me.

The Learned Owl

The Learned Owl Book Shop

The Learned Owl Book Shop, nestled in Hudson, Ohio, north of the Clocktower, is one of those fantastic independently own books stores that seem so hard to find these days. Around since 1968, The Learned Owl offers three floors of books for all ages and interests, is a major supporter of local authors, and participates in annual events, like the upcoming Ohio Author and Book Fair. I will be appearing at this year’s event with 40 other authors. Click here to learn more.

My novels Jigsaw Man and Covet are available at The Learned Owl, and many other local authors’ works are awaiting your discovery. Definitely a good way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

| The Learned Owl

  204 N Main St.

  Hudson, OH 44236

How it’s done

I’ll like to extend thanks to author and poet Shaneen A. Harris for successfully bringing together several local authors for a meet-and-greet at Akron’s Maple Valley Library. It was a day of fiction, music, spoken-word poetry and artwork that went down smoothly due to the talented artists, hard-working vendors and wonderful attendees, who really did come to support the artists.

In an act of selflessness, instead of hawking her own work, Shaneen spent most of the afternoon promoting fellow authors. Speaking of those artist, they are: Shaneen, Johnny Osby Jr., Marcus Colvert, Linda Johnson Wilson and Pam Carthorn.

Mrs. Harris, your efforts are appreciated by me. Looking forward to the next show!

Also, big ups to our M.C., Pat Reese, whose introductions themselves were works of art.

An all-around successful gathering.

Marketing Madness

Better than a billboard!